Teambuilding - Executives

Teambuilding - Executives

"There are now more and more executives who recognize and pursue the potential for real team performance at the top of the organization, largely because the increasing pace of change demands greater leadership capacity than ever before – and, make no mistake, real teams do increase leadership capacity at every level." – Jon R. Katzenbach; Teams at the Top

Wolf Management Consultants' "Executive Team Building Program" covers the essentials of team building that are critical for your Executive Team to be a success.

You and your team will learn how to develop the skills necessary to become both a successful team member and an interactive team leader – and to discover innovative ways to make your Executive Team more cohesive and effective. Our customized programs are designed for participants to validate and practice the knowledge and skills required to build a productive Executive Team. There is also special emphasis placed on the differences between the Executive Team and teams at other levels in the organization.

Depending upon your situation, program components may include the following objectives:

  • Identify the key issues that affect Executive Teams
  • Identify the success factors for Executive Teams
  • Identify and resolve non-team behaviors that occur in Executive Teams
  • Define group roles as an Executive Team
  • Establish team ground rules with 100% team buy-in
  • Differentiate between group process, task, and maintenance functions
  • Analyze team performance and measure team effectiveness
  • Resolve conflict in a team environment
  • Apply problem-solving and decision-making techniques
  • Set productive goals for your Executive Team
  • Identify when acting as a team is counterproductive
  • Use a systematic approach to create Executive Team effectiveness

Wolf Management Consultants use a unique combination of workshops, one-on-one and team coaching, and assessment tools as needed (such as: Myers-Briggs; 20/20 Insight Gold® 360° Feedback; the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument; Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential™, and the Team Health Check) to help your team understand how to be more effective – as individuals, and as an Executive Team.


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