Workshop Overview
“My sister’s best friend is looking for a job…she’s really X”…you fill in the blank. If you’ve ever hired a sales person before, than you’ve certainly gotten referrals, from your existing staff or other people in the company, that you wouldn’t normally touch with a 10 foot pole. Or sometimes worse, an internal job posting policy (prior to going outside) results in unqualified candidates that you may rely on for other very important functions within your organization. This often creates a lot of extra work for you, with little to show for it.
This workshop will equip you to quickly identify if you have a diamond in the rough, or to move through these types of unqualified candidates, efficiently, so you can move on to finding and hiring individuals with the potential to rev up sales and outperform even your proven top sales performers. Learn how to explore untapped resources, network creatively, and keep your recruiting pipeline full at all times.
Workshop Outcomes
Management professionals accountable for recruiting will learn (or relearn) that recruiting really is selling. And, just as in sales, following a step by step process, from interview to hire, assures them that mistakes can be eliminated or minimized when trying to find their next top performer.
Participants will learn how to decipher a resume, quickly conduct a phone interview to determine a candidate’s potential, ask relevant questions during an interview to weed out the wannabe’s from the “are’s”, and learn when to trust their gut, and more importantly, when not to.
Workshop participants will also share through discussion and brainstorming new ways to recruit through untapped resources, networking, and where to look for hidden talent.
Who Should Attend This Event
Workshop Key Topics
Workshop Duration: 1 day.
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