O.O.D.A.-Loop - Developing Strategic-Agility

O.O.D.A.-Loop - Developing Strategic-Agility

To have a strategy for achieving your goals is one but executing on strategy is another. The O.O.D.A. Loop -Observe, Orient, Decide, Act- was developed by USAF Col John Boyd and successfully applied in many armed conflicts, including the first Gulf war. The objective of this methodology is to speed-up the decision-cycle; to be flexible in ones approach to the task at hand and to be quicker to act. This program discusses the features and benefits of an agile organization and the adjustments required within the business system to facilitate Strategic Agility.

Who Should Participate

Executives and Senior Managers responsible for:

  • Strategy Execution
  • Operations
  • Business Intelligence
  • Information Technology
  • Organizational Structure and -Development
  • Human Resources


Participants will take-away:

  • Clear understanding of the O.O.D.A. Loop and its critical contribution to Strategy Execution and Strategic Positioning
  • Insight into the organizational requirements for a successful implementation of O.O.D.A.-Loops in your organization
  • Laser focus on Purpose, Vision, Mission and Strategy

Key Topics

  • Features, Advantages and Benefits of O.O.D.A.-Loops
  • Relationships between Means & Ends and Cause & Effect of O.O.D.A.-Loops on your bottom-line results and employee retention
  • Planning O.O.D.A.-Loop implementation


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