Managing Your Career

Managing Your Career

Event Overview

It’s difficult enough to manage your job. How are you expected to manage your career as well? Is there someone else who is or should be managing it? What should you or can you expect from your career, especially in these difficult and uncertain times? There are some fundamental principles that everyone should understand about their career – no matter where they are in their career path or on the ladder to “success.” The more you understand what you have control over, the more you will achieve what you want in your work life. This event helps you examine career choices you have made up until this point and helps you realize how to plan for the future, no matter what the environment.

Who Should Attend this Event:

People who want to take charge of their own lives and careers and not feel victimized by business circumstances.

Event Outcomes

Participants of  this event will leave with:

  • An understanding and ability to enumerate the three fundamental principles of career management
  • Recognition of the importance of and the steps to creating a business plan for managing your career
  • Identification of their core values and understand the linkage of those values to organizational success
  • A framework for tracking how they're performing in their current job
  • Questions that would be useful to ask in an informational interview when investigating other career or job opportunities, within the same organization or with an outside venture

Event Length

This event runs one hour.


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