Knowledge Transfer Within and Among Teams

Knowledge Transfer Within and Among Teams

Teams are increasingly the organizational “vehicle” of choice for getting work done. Companies are realizing that teams are the most effective way to quickly create value as it relates to products and services. What happens, however, when key members of a team leave…or a product is handed off from one team to another…or you acquire a new product or service, but decide not to acquire the people?

Let's play a little "Jeopardy" - the Answer is...your important project is over, but a new and very similar project is about to start up, and you need to make the knowledge and experience of the first team available to the next team.

The Question...What is Team Knowledge Transfer?

It is a planned process to capture and transfer knowledge and experience from one team to another in transitions and in hand-offs. It ensures a smooth transition in running the business, protection of your Intellectual Capital, accelerated team learning, better decision-making, and enhanced performance.

Why do Team Knowledge Transfer?

  • Ensure business continuity…the new team can run the business without significant disruptions
  • Increase collaboration and accelerate team learning
  • Identify and plan for critical issues currently and in the future…just in time
  • Increase your team’s ability to innovate

Here are some typical team-related situations were there is potential loss of business critical knowledge if nothing is done proactively:

  • Team Hand-Offs – Transfer deeply held knowledge from one group of team members to another quickly, effectively, and with minimal seepage
  • Reorganization – Reorganization of a team or function that requires redefinition of roles, the transfer / seamless transition of existing know-how, and assessment of knowledge gaps that need to be closed
  • External or Internal Mergers, or Acquisitions – Transfer team knowledge to the new function or team

Team Knowledge Transfer increases value for your organization by creating synergies through knowledge integration. The business gains in the short-term through the closing of knowledge gaps and the transfer of best practices / sharing of lessons learned. This results in a more efficient organization through process improvements and organizational change, and through increases in employee retention and morale.


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