Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

In today’s business environment, knowledge is one of your key assets.

A robust Knowledge Management (KM) strategy will ensure that you retain full and complete custody of your Intellectual Capital. KM is a collaborative approach, which:

  • Identifies, captures, and transfers business critical knowledge and experience of key people in the organization who transition roles
  • Ensures protection of Intellectual Capital by transferring the knowledge and key relationships to the successor, the new team, and others in the organization that can benefit
  • Identifies areas of meaningful / rapid impact for successor and his / her team.
  • Ensures quality and speed of decision-making

Components of your Intellectual Capital include:

  • Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, licenses)
  • Know-How (applied wisdom, built on experience, organizational acumen)
  • Trade Secrets (how you specifically utilize what you know, trends and patterns in the data)
  • Business / Scientific Processes (how do you get it done, scientific, technical knowledge, strategic alliances, supply chain)
  • Business Intelligence (competitive intelligence, industry knowledge, upcoming regulations)

Knowledge can be broken down into two easily identifiable segments; Explicit and Tacit. 'Explicit' knowledge is the “what”…the new sales strategy, the work process, the partnership agreement. 'Tacit' knowledge is the “how”…what was the rationale and the history behind that sales strategy, how is work actually done within that process, and how does that partnership really work?

Wolf Management will help you with your Knowledge Management Strategy and needs. We offer customized processes in dealing with:

  • Senior Leader transitions
  • Key Employee transitions
  • Knowledge transfer within and among Teams

We also offer training and consulting in organizing Strategic Lessons Learned sessions:

After completing any project or process, individual team members have acquired certain 'tacit' knowledge that will make them more effective the next time they approach a similar project. A Lessons Learned session is a process to 'debrief' a team to surface and document important tacit knowledge that will be valuable to future teams.

The purposes of Lessons Learned sessions are to uncover and document some of that tacit knowledge for the benefit of others who will undertake similar projects.


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