What Is ES@?
Younger generations are arriving to the workplace in force; however, they’re often disappointed in the greeting and treatment they receive on the job. Their desire for success, need for collaboration, and technology skills don’t always match their peers and management’s work styles. Early Success @ is a one-day workshop designed to equip the younger employee with understanding and skills needed to succeed with their Gen X and Boomer co-workers and management.
Who Should Attend ES@?
ES@is recommended for every Millennial and younger employee in the company from new hires, to seasoned staff.
Topic Areas Covered in ES@
What Are the Outcomes of ES@?
At the conclusion of ES@, participants will be able to do the following:
How Is ES@ Conducted?
ES@ is customized to each company’s culture to ensure effectiveness. The workshop is designed to be a highly interactive and enjoyable workshop. Minimal reading, group discussions, video modeling, cases studies, and experiential exercises assist the adult learner to acquire, practice and transfer the concepts and skills back on the job.
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