Diversity Assessment: Ways We Experience Difference

Diversity Assessment: Ways We Experience Difference

An Inventory of Cultural Diversity

Ways We Experience Difference (WWED) is a perceptual appraisal of attitudes, values, behaviors and belief systems based on the research and model developed by Dr. Milton Bennett, Director of the Institute for Intercultural Communication. The questions, based on real life experiences consists of thirty-six self scoring questions and requires twenty to thirty minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers.

What It Does - Assists individuals and Groups in:

  • Examining personal attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors about cultural diversity.
  • Understanding the six stages of behavioral growth and sensitivity towards persons who are different.
  • Identifying themselves in the six stages based on life experiences with individuals and groups who are different from them.
  • Measuring the commitment or involvement demonstrated to each stage.
  • Increasing understanding and improving communication based on new information.
  • Taking action to change behaviors and organizational systems to value diversity.
  • Building on the creativity of diversity.

How To Use The Inventory of Cultural Diversity:

  • WWED may be used to determine where people fall on the continuum between ethnocentric and accepting behaviors.
  • As an assessment of understanding diversity.
  • Assessment of workgroup's understanding of, sensitivity to and ability to communicate with a culturally diverse workforce.
  • Use as a benchmark for diversity programs already in progress.
  • Trainers may include WWED in diversity awareness and advanced workshops.
  • Course designers may use WWED to develop diversity training and education.
  • Interventions may be initiated as follow-up to help move individuals and groups towards acceptance and valuing of diversity.
  • Champions may appraise their diversity actions and sensitivity.


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