Building a Powerful Professional Brand

Building a Powerful Professional Brand

Drawing the right clients and prospects to you is easier than you think. It requires absolute clarity and authenticity. Clarity about how you can uniquely help them—your point of difference. And authenticity—in your stories, actions and visuals.

Together, we will spotlight your point of difference—and why it matters. It begins with uncovering your unique essence, your DNA:

  • What experiences, talents and passions make you distinct and compelling?
  • How do your clients, prospects and colleagues experience working with you?
  • What are your values, standards and goals?

Then, we'll dig deeper.

  • Which clients fit best?
  • Who are your key competitors?
  • Where should you be a market leader?
  • What will it take--time, effort, resources--to capture the brand position you want?
  • What commitments are you willing to make?

Armed with that information, we'll create a provocative 5-10 word introduction that engages your listener and inspires them to ask "How do you do that?"

Next, we'll pinpoint your target audience and develop your action plan to make your brand come alive. Real-life stories that vividly demonstrate your brand. Practical actions that align your deeds with your words. Powerful visuals that fit your brand.

You may implement the plan yourself, or we can work together to help you realize the full power of your brand.


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International bestselling author Jeff Wolf is now available for your next meeting, conference or convention to provide a high-energy presentation filled with strategies and techniques attendees can immediately apply to improve their skills.