Workshop Overview
This workshop is often conducted on a ‘retreat’ basis or at an offsite location. The objectives for the workshop are customized to meet the organization’s needs. Frequent objectives include creating a clear vision, establishing short and long term strategic positions, discovering performance gaps between core competencies and strategic initiatives, creating a Board roadmap, establishing a Board positional strategy, reviewing Board performance (or establishing a process) and improving intra-Board communications effectiveness and performance.
Many of the exercises and methods utilized are proprietary. Pre-workshop time is needed to interview the current or prospective Board members prior to conducting this workshop event. Due to the required customization needed to be effective, it is highly recommended that this workshop is planned well in advance of its actual performance.
Workshop Length: 1 to 3 days (variable depending on the Board’s needs and an independent assessment)
Who Should Attend this Event:
Current or prospective members of Boards of Directors of both non-profit and for-profit organizations.
Workshop Outcomes (examples)
Workshop Topics (examples)
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